Main Rules for processing personal data

Data Processing Agreement

The present user’s agreement is a public offer (i.e. an offer to enter into agreement).

Personal data processing agreenent

Welcome to our website! Please find below a data processing agreement.
Note! For economic, executive and sometimes legal reasons, the present Agreement is subject to recurrent changes. The Website Administration has no capability to send out notices on such changes to the Users, thus you are strongly urged to check this page from time to time to make sure it contains nothing contradicting your beliefs and principles.
If being a User, you disagree with the made changes you are entitled to abandon the access to the Website and stop using its materials at any time.
If you believe that this Agreement or our actions as Website Administration violates your rights, please email us at

1. Definitions

1.1. Website means the whole of texts, graphic elements, design, pictures, software code, photographic and video materials and other results of intellectual activity that are found in the Internet on the domain name;
1.2. Website Administration means a person having the rights to run the Website;
1.3. User means any natural person entering the Website and accepting the terms of the present Agreement, whether or not having registered or logged on.

2. Personal Data Use

2.1. By accepting the terms of the present Agreement, the User grants the Website Administration the right to process his personal data.
2.2. The purpose of personal data processing is registration on the Website, registration for Website events, advertising.
2.3. The following personal data are subject to processing:
 2.3.1. Full name and surname of the User;
 2.3.2. Email address of the User;
 2.3.3. Phone number of the User;
 2.3.4. Company name, job title.
2.4. Personal data processing means the following actions related to personal data: collection, recording, classification, accumulation, storing, update (change, renewal), extraction, transmission (disclosure, access granting), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data.
2.5. By accepting the terms of the present Agreement, the User agrees to receiving marketing materials to his email.
2.6. The consent to personal data processing remain in force indefinitely, but can be revoked by the personal data owner upon a personal request sent to the Website Administration’s email.
2.7. The Website Administration undertakes to use the personal data resulting from the User’s Website use in accordance with the requirements of the data protection laws, including Federal Law No. 152-ФЗ dated July 27, 2006 «On personal data» as in affect at the moment of data processing.